Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cabo San Lucas - Crashing Waves!!!

It has been a couple weeks since I last posted. I have been trying to improve my technique and unfortunately, the local teachers(artists) weren't of much help, at least from what I have found so far. I hope I will be able to find a local teacher that are willing to share their techniques & knowledge with me. So....I have been studying a number of different books, styles, DVD's and trying to copy a bit as well, which I find as a useful tool for learning.
I have really been influenced and taken to Arnold Lowrey's painting's, DVD, and book, Sea and Sky in Watercolour. It is straight forward, although he makes it look so simple, it is not! I have really enjoyed painting a number of exercises in his book and some of the paintings as well.
So onto my painting. This is a photo of a beach in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. A great place for sun, fishing and relaxing. Beautiful scenery as well. This is on Conda 8.5 x 11.5 inch Cold Press, 300 gsm/140 lb Watercolor paper. All paints were W&N including, raw umber, burnt sienna, burnt umber, cerulean blue, ultramarine, veridian and finishing touches for the sea spray using Chinese White.
The second picture is a detail picture of the wave. I thoroughly enjoyed painting this one.


  1. Beautiful. Now go out there and find some nice people to share your work with :)

  2. Those are really beautiful paintings! I like the colors you've chosen!

  3. I'm not an artist like you are, but I do jewelry and writing. The jewelry designers always say to concentrate on the things that call to you and to develop your own style. The teachers in your area may not be able to help you because their style is different from yours. You may have to continue studying on your own and listening to your own inner muse.

  4. Thank you for your comments and reflections Icy BC and Mary Anne! Words can't express the gratitude! Mary Anne, thank you for your insight and I will take your advice. Thank you again.
